Portrait Painting Masters

Oil Portrait Masters 12

Shepard Fairey

His work combines elements of graffiti, pop art, business art, and Marxist theory. His work has been seen in galleries around the world and even museums. Not only that, but is often recognized in graphic designing and signature apparel. One of his most famous works includes his portrait of Barack Obama. Fairey's "Hope" poster became the iconic campaign image for the first African American president of the United States. Early in 2008, Fairey produced his first Obama portrait, with a stenciled face, visionary upward glance, and the caption "Progress." In this second version, Fairey repeated the heroic pose and patriotic color scheme, substituting the slogan "Hope."
Shepard Fairey oil portrait Shepard Fairey oil portrait Shepard Fairey oil portrait
Shepard Fairey oil portrait Shepard Fairey oil portrait Shepard Fairey oil portrait
Shepard Fairey oil portrait Shepard Fairey oil portrait Shepard Fairey oil portrait
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